Remote Data Examples

Tom Select works with a variety of data sources including data hosted on remote servers. Our examples below use JavaScript's Fetch API but you can just as easily use jQuery.ajax(), XMLHttpRequest, or any other method of retrieving data from a server.

We use JavaScript's native Fetch API in this example to retrieve remote data from GitHub

new TomSelect('#select-repo',{
		valueField: 'url',
		labelField: 'name',
		searchField: 'name',
		// fetch remote data
		load: function(query, callback) {

			var url = '' + encodeURIComponent(query);
				.then(response => response.json())
				.then(json => {

		// custom rendering functions for options and items
		render: {
			option: function(item, escape) {
				return `<div class="py-2 d-flex">
							<div class="icon me-3">
								<img class="img-fluid" src="${item.owner.avatar_url}" />
								<div class="mb-1">
									<span class="h4">
										${ escape( }
									<span class="text-muted">by ${ escape(item.owner.login) }</span>
						 		<div class="description">${ escape(item.description) }</div>
			item: function(item, escape) {
				return `<div class="py-2 d-flex">
							<div class="icon me-3">
								<img class="img-fluid" src="${item.owner.avatar_url}" />
								<div class="mb-1">
									<span class="h4">
										${ escape( }
									<span class="text-muted">by ${ escape(item.owner.login) }</span>
						 		<div class="description">${ escape(item.description) }</div>
<select id="select-repo" placeholder="Pick a repository..." multiple></select>
	width: 3rem;
	width: 100%;

Load a list of web technologies once

new TomSelect('#select-state',{
		valueField: 'label',
		labelField: 'label',
		searchField: ['label','type'],
		// fetch remote data
		load: function(query, callback) {
			var self = this;
			if( self.loading > 1 ){

			var url = '';
				.then(response => response.json())
				.then(json => {
					self.settings.load = null;

		// custom rendering function for options
		render: {
			option: function(item, escape) {
				return `<div class="py-2 d-flex">
							<div class="mb-1">
								<span class="h5">
									${ escape(item.label) }
					 		<div class="ms-auto">${ escape(item.type.join(', ')) }</div>
<select id="select-state" placeholder="Software: WordPress, Apache ..." multiple></select>
	width: 3rem;
// a small plugin to prevent results from closing
	this.close = function(){};

new TomSelect('#select-repo2',{
		valueField: 'url',
		labelField: 'name',
		searchField: ['name','description'],
		options: [],
		create: false,
		maxOptions: 10,
		dropdownParent: '#select-repo-inline',
		// minimum query length
			return query.length > 1;
		// custom scoring
		score: function(search) {
			var score = this.getScoreFunction(search);
			return function(item) {
				return score(item) * (1 + Math.min(item.watchers / 100, 1));
		// fetch remote data
		load: function(query, callback) {

			var url = '' + encodeURIComponent(query);
				.then(response => response.json())
				.then(json => {

		// custom rendering functions for options and items
		render: {
			option: function(item, escape) {
				return `<div class="row border-bottom py-2">
							<div class="col-md-1">
								<img class="img-fluid" src="${item.owner.avatar_url}" />
							<div class="col-md-11">
								<div class="mt-0">${escape(}
									<span class="small text-muted">by ${escape(item.owner.login)}</span>
								<div class="mb-1">${escape(item.description)}</div>
								<div class="d-flex text-muted">
									<div class="me-3"><i class="ib fa-code"></i> ${escape(item.language)}</div>
									<div class="me-3"><i class="ib fa-flash"></i> ${escape(item.forks_count)} Forks</div>
									<div class="me-3"><i class="ib fa-star"></i> ${escape(item.stargazers_count)} Stars</div>
									<div class="me-3"><i class="ib fa-eye"></i> ${item.watchers_count} Watchers</div>
			item: function(item, escape) {
				return `<div class="py-2 d-flex">
							<div class="icon me-3">
								<img class="img-fluid" src="${item.owner.avatar_url}" />
								<div class="mb-1">
									<span class="h4">
										${ escape( }
									<span class="text-muted">by ${ escape(item.owner.login) }</span>
						 		<div class="description">${ escape(item.description) }</div>

<div id="select-repo-inline">
<select id="select-repo2" placeholder="Pick a repository..." multiple></select>
#select-repo-inline .ts-dropdown {
	position: relative !important;
	top: 0 !important;
	left: 0 !important;
	width: auto !important;
	box-shadow: none;
	height: auto !important;
#select-repo-inline .ts-dropdown-content {
	overflow: auto !important;
	max-height: none !important;

#select-repo-inline .ts-wrapper{
	position: sticky;
	top: 2rem;
#select-repo-inline .option{
	margin: 0;
	width: 3rem;
	width: 100%;